Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Walking 2

As this posts I'll be on the road heading away from North Texas to my beautiful San Antone. It's been a great weekend back here for awhile, but it will be nice to get back home. My niece has her first band concert at 6pm Monday and I'm honor bound to be there clapping.

So, as the week has progressed I've found some fantastic articles online and it's time to share them again. Enjoy this little stroll through the blogosphere with me. :)


"Power in the Blood" by Jeff Weddle @ Anti-Itch Meditation - Great article that speaks of how the blood does more than save you.

"Two lessons for the Christian to learn" by Fred Eaton @ Of First Importance - It's a two sentence short quote that you'll agree with but may not have thought of yourself.

"God doesn't need me" @ At the Center - Great article! "I suddenly realized that He didn't need me. I was devastated. I almost had to pull over, the feeling was so strong. But as I continued, I felt His arms around me. No, He didn't need me, but He wanted me." Go read the whole thing.

Kind-Of Confessions by Gunner @ Raw Christianity It's something I've been thinking for awhile but he put it far more clearly. "We do everything we can to avoid full, complete, unmistakable admission of our guilt. "But when confession is made while staring straight into the holiness of God and retreating to the cross in anticipation of free grace, abundant mercy, and full forgiveness, we find the honesty and the humility to confess freely, fully, and even embarrassingly."

"Valiant For Truth" by Ray Ortlund @ Christ is Deeper Still Outstanding quote by Spurgeon. Go read it.

"When Being Discerning isn't Part 1" by Dan Edelen @ Cerulean Sanctum - I thought he made some great points in this article about how Christians sometimes take the idea of fleeing from sin too far.

"Church Visit#3" by Bob @ In the Clearing - It's a series I've been following that's been so interesting. First he, being disillusioned with church (much like me) he quit attending. He's slowly visiting some churches and reporting on what he finds.

"Honesty, Prayer, Healing" by Ray Ortlund @ Christ is Deeper Still. 2 church orders from 1738. The real church.

"What did Job fear"? @ At The Center - It wasn't boils.

"7 Ways Working For Dave Ramsey Is Like Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory" by Jon Acuff @... Jon linked to the article on his Stuff Christians Like blog, but the article originally appeared on Dave Ramseys website. I enjoy Dave Ramsey, but wasn't aware of all the things Ramsey did. It was very interesting - it's great to read about a guy working at a great job and loving it.

And last but not least:

"Walking by Faith" by Jeff @ Anti-Itch Meditation - EVERYONE should understand this concept. "Walking by faith does not mean that Jesus makes all temptation go away." Go read the whole article.

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