Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20th, 2012 - Michaela is adopted

So very much I could say, but most of it is indescribable.
On May 6th, 2011  I met Jaclynn.
She was 7 weeks old, 1 month premature, and was fighting her own little battle in ICU so that she could be well enough to get out of the hospital. For some reason everything about the news that I'd be receiving her as my newest foster child placement was different. I found myself racing 80 miles an hour to the hospital to sit with her in ICU. I went back and forth for 3 days from home to ICU meeting my newest little person.

On May 9th, she came to live with me.

On October 10th,  her parents rights were terminated. I knew that beyond all reason, and beyond all the strong beliefs I have that a child should have a mother AND a father - I knew that I was supposed to adopt her.

90 day waiting period passed.
Waited for the case to be transferred from foster to adoption unit at CPS.
Waited for adoption unit to get all their ducks in a row.

Today, April 20th,2012,  I'm proud to announce that  Jaclynn (Jax, Precious, JackJackJackerz) has legally become Michaela Poteet.

I cried through pretty much the whole event, no matter how hard I tried not to. I can't tell you what a joy and deep honor it is that God would allow me - ME - to be her mother. I don't feel nearly up to the task - and the very idea of it all, and how greatly I am simply not enough on my own I pray continues to drive me to my knees every day of our lives together.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness.....congrats!!!! She is precious! I remember the day our little girl officially became ours forever!!! So special!

Flyawaynet said...

Thanks Christie! I can't imagine forgetting much about this day... Congrats on your own blessing!

Linda said...

so, so, S0 happy for both of you! maybe mom and dad are ideal in your eyes, but God sees it differently! enjoy her. one day you'll look up and she'll be in her twenties and you're going to wonder how that happened.