Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Not enough salt

I was almost overcome last night, by a sense of how horrible the world has become. Injustice, violence, cruelty, selfishness, anger, fear, pain and so many more things just seemed to be surrounding me in my home and in my city. Once I stopped telling God how bad the world was, He reminded me that I'm suppose to be a light in it. I'm suppose to be salt, the flavor that makes something tasteless, very tasty (especially if you're as much of a salt-addict as I am!).
The question is, am I salt? am I light? Are you? I've got a lot to do, a lot of people that I talk to, and when they're around me I want to do everything in my power to let them know that the injustice, violence, cruelty and et cetera that they see in the world STOPS with me. And from my example I'd like them to know it should stop with Christians everywhere. And I want Christians to fulfill their part in that.
This is a new part of my challenge for myself and for anyone reading this. Make the world feel safe around you. Let them know that where you are, peace and harmony, calm and assurance abounds. The picture of the screaming Christian is not a reassuring one. Our anger, our sense of self-protection/provision, our desire to stick up for ourselves is strong. But stronger than anything else should be our love for God.
Just remember in ALL situations HE'S our protector and provider not us.
To whoever my readers are, I have only one request. Control yourself. You're a representative of Christ and I'm tired of seeing all of us representing how Christ wouldn't act.
God loves you. Remember that. He'll work things out, He'll make a way, He'll take care of His people. Even if a neighbor wrongs you, God's still in control. And you don't know that He won't bless you ten-fold just for trusting in His mercies towards you.
Trust God.

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