Monday, November 14, 2005

Gods Gift part 2

I asked for suggestions...and I only got one. But what a 'one' it was. I'm still chuckling, not so much over the question I was asked, but over the answer.
In God's Gift Day #1 I wanted suggestions of gifts I could give God. Michelle posted and asked if I had tried just praying and asking God what gifts I might give Him. Crazily enough I haven't. I have an idea already, that I believe is from God. But unfortunately, *I'm impatient* I know that idea will take a lot of planning and work. And I don't see any way possible for me to do it right now. So, once I had stuffed that idea to the side I just never thought to stop and ask Him if He had any other good ideas. So, thanks Michelle for bringing it to my attention. Who knows, maybe God will just keep telling me I need to implement His plan. Even if it seems impossible to me. It seems crazy how much He loves us. I mean, here I would be trying to give Him a gift and He's trying to get me to give Him one that I think is impossible so He can teach me. In the end I would still benefit. God is incredible.

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