Monday, November 28, 2005

O Christmas Tree!

I'm thrilled to announce that I've officially gotten my house decorated for Christmas. The traditional watching of "Miracle on 34th street" has been honored, and the ever so important sitting in the dark living room looking at Christmas lights has been faithfully respected. I love Christmas. And I just wanted to take a moment and remind you, whether you say "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays", or "Seasons Greetings" that the reason for the season, or the holiday, is Christ. Keep Him in your mind this month. Remember the tiny precious baby that came with such a grown up purpose.
And, while you're doing that... keep in mind that you're a Christian. A follower of Christ. This is the birthday of your Savior we're talking about. So, get in the spirit and be merry. Sometimes being merry is a choice. So make that choice. This is the most important birthday we'll celebrate all year. And, I personally, think it's quite enjoyable! So enjoy! Remember the reason you're giving gifts, not the money involved. Remember that when you're spending too. Don't put yourself in bankruptcy or debt just because you think you're 9 yr old wants an X box. Give as unto the Lord. When you're using your money unwisely just to give stuff to people, then well, God isn't very glorified in that. Unless God tells you to. Then trust Him. I rambled an awful lot, sorry about that. I'm just too happy. :)

1 comment:

Mountainbuilders said...

Wow! I totally agree with this. Every word of it. Merry Christmas.