Thursday, April 26, 2007

Missing post

I posted later than usual today because I had to write a second post.

Something strange happened with the first one.
I sat at my computer and made the decision of what I was to blog about. My fingers flew across the keys without pause as words flowed from me without me having to stop and think about them. Sometimes the fact that you didn't think about what you were saying means that it came on the wings of divine inspiration. Sometimes the fact that you didn't think about what you were saying means you failed to be the master of your words. Letting them control you, and not the other way around.

I don't know which is the case today. And so the post I wrote is sitting saved in draft, rather than being published for viewing. The post has a definite bite. I wrote it and it stepped on MY toes. I have no desire to offend people, or rave at them in anger. I also have no desire to bend in fear of what people might think.

I hope I'm able to publish it. And if not, I hope I'm humble enough to repent over it.

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