Monday, February 11, 2008

The beginning of links.

Ok, I'm making changes tonight. Not all of them, but some. If you look at the links right this second you'll see a good chunk has disappeared.
Some aren't blogging anymore, and the others I've still got them on my read feed, but find myself more and more just skimming through their stuff hoping something will snag me. Nothing against their stuff, I just have a picky system, and not much time to read it if it's not going to really get into me.

One of the first people I want to introduce you to though is Brant Hansen.

He's strange. And has ideas in his posts I find myself wishing others would think of as well. From his blog, he seems to be able to laugh at himself, and us as people and Christians - His Christmas Letter with footnotes had to be the funniest thing I've read in awhile - but if you read his writing, you'll see the dark side to him as well.

He's a very gifted writer, who usually has you smiling all the way to the end of his posts where it finally sinks in that he just nailed you to the floor with truth. And then sometimes he writes about absolutely nothing.

And then today he went and wrote about Kumar. Read it. And bookmark Brant, he's in my sidebar as "Letters From Kamp Krusty" Go. Read.

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