Thursday, February 02, 2006

Beating the odds!

Good morning everyone -
As some of you may of noticed, the month of February has arrived. Which means..................................................................................................
The January contest is over and we've got a winner. The craziest part of it all is, this winner defeated many odds. I had 9 entries from J.w. Poteet ii, 8 entries from Dazzlers Domain, and 2 from Nate over at Eight Strings. I spent the month assuming I'd be handing either my brother (Jw) or Daz this awesome book, only to discover yesterday morning that somehow Nate won!
So Congratulations Nate! I'm very pleased to send you Dream Giver. It's a truly amazing book that I've enjoyed quite a bit. I hope you enjoy it as well.
Thanks to everyone that entered, I appreciate it and encourage you to keep commenting. And I will blog on!

1 comment:

Mountainbuilders said...

I really don't mind, but if I had 9 and Nate had 2...huh?