Monday, October 22, 2007

Blog Hiatus

I'm taking a break this week. So no posts. I will be back Saturday.
For those of you that knew about my job loss and were praying, I want to make sure you know I've gotten a job, and will be starting next Monday. Thank you for your prayers.
My house has been prayed over by someone other than myself. I see a definite improvement.

Someone commented today on an old post "
The Lords Prayer" and linked me to another interesting article they had written. I thought I'd share it before I go silent.
The article is called "
The best Way to Pray".

The whole article was good. Go read it.

You might want to pray something like this:
Father, the one in heaven, just being able to know your name is a very great honor. I am really looking forward to the time when you are finally in charge here. If I can, I would like to be a part of doing what you need to have done here in the meantime, just as if the world was taking its orders from Heaven right now. Lord, we are really depending on you to make sure we get enough to eat every day. Thank you for the work you provide so we do get to eat. This is a big one, Lord. Please forgive me for the times I have let you down. I need your help to make sure I forgive those who let me down too. Please protect me from being in situations where I might do something that would make you unhappy. Please keep me safe from the author of evil and the evil itself!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news on the job ... and the house.

Enjoy your break ... and the start of your new job.