Monday, August 04, 2008

Blog housekeeping tidits.

In the sidebar is now a nifty little tool that shows you the stuff I've starred in my google reader. If you click on "read more" you can see some of the other starred items as well. I've got way too much in my google reader that comes through every day but, in it, every single day there's at least one article that really makes me think.

So... thus the joy of the 'share' option. :)

Also, if you look at the links I've added, you'll see some people have gotten zapped off since their websites were no longer active. At the same time, some new links got added. "97 Seconds with God" is currently going through the bible chapter by chapter, and The Prodigal Jon (a site done by the same guy as "97 seconds with God" and "Stuff Christians Like"). The Prodigal Jon is right up there as my favorites, though not updated as often as his other blogs when it does get updated it's usually really thoughtful and interesting.

That's all. Housekeeping done. Have a nice day.

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